Key Principles of Community Organization

Whenever we have any specific projects and start working to stand benefit to community beneficiary so we have to organize some processes with the community level by adherence to the principles so that we will achieve the outreach project operation.

Good Communication
Building on a good relationship between one person to another and from one group to another is needed. So there are lots of resources that they have and will be brought to, and maintain those resources within motivation and initiatives by working as a good team player.

Building a Trust

It is a necessary process for every single of a group or any movement. As Jack Gibb recognized that there are 4 needs in the groups must be resolved according to the priority:
-Produce an ambiance of unity
-Information sharing about target people, their experiences and problem they want to deal with facilitators
-Determine the target areas
-Activity preparation

Keeping a Balance between our Different Levels of Need
Any group who wishes to change the positive society always has responsibility needed, and keep the four different levels of need inside their works.
1-The individual person
2-Small group
4-The wider society

If without attention to the above four different-level combinations, it is impossible to build a strong action. In other words, should any of level among the four which was not taken care of therefore the whole action shall be weakened and being devastated.


In a concerted effort to build the society within justice and equality is very complicated. No one knows exactly whether whatever has to be done. There is nobody has enough answer on the approach. The individual has a different understanding based on their rich experiences. They can learn from each other, especially the facilitators play a key role to trigger conversation out of community facts learning.

Reflection and Action
Specific learning and change come whenever there is a disagreement of society’s experiences toward the aspect of the people’s current living. Facilitators may provide any situations in which they can reflect meticulously of what they are doing. To identify the information, training and action plan. The facilitators always regularly monitor and thoroughly analyze those activities so that the group feels appreciate for their success and reasons.

Read more about The Sustainability of Development for Rural Areas

Guidelines for Community Workers

To get involved and working with community people, the community workers should know some points before they start any activities with them.

Work with the poor and not oppressed for them

We help realize them, analyze, action plan, implementation but never do those things for them. They may decline any suggestion from expert and any mistakes may happen eventually. Development comes directly from the people’s understanding over their needs and rights. Therefore they must decide on major issues to be addressed and basic needs including approaches.

Development is an awakening process

The people start awakening and know their rights to live as human beings. Without this move, the facilitators achieve less development to community. The people have brains and experiences so we need to display their strength and listen to their recommendation as well.

Let the people grow

Development is to enable people be aware themselves as important resources to build their future. Development is an experience of freedom on whatever people select to practice. There will bring them dignity and self-esteem. Working with people’s energy and constant progress, the effort of development is needed.

Build up the people’s solidarity

Development takes place whenever we empowered people to do thing with solidarity. They can live together in harmony, establishing relationship with others, help one another and get rid of selfishness. If everywhere at the same time we worked together, cooperatively and simultaneously, we could pool all our resources, we would encourage one another as we worked, we could work better, and we would the sooner reach our development goals.

Build up the people’s organization
It is necessarily for people to implement actions freely, and keep their community away oppression or exploitation. Keep in touch with other groups and community facilitators in ways of intensive advocacy for new society. 

Read about Leadership In Community Plan

People’s Participation in Development Projects

Decades ago, the experiences from the government and non-governmental organizations in developing countries display weakness in addressing issues or approach to reach development goal. Mr. David Korten, 1990 suggested that these failures because of they thought that the programs created by the government or non-governmental organizations better than ones originated from individual volunteers to excel their energy.

Further more, he said that the programs are implemented by structural-center office, lesser attention on favor or capability of community people even a bit chance of their participation.

The social scientists and consultancy supporters suggested that in order to avoid the above shortcomings in project design, it has to exist “Participation”. It is commonly sensible that exchange of ideas in any action together.

Chhen and Uphoff demonstrated that there are four fold participation:
A. Participation in making a decision
B. Participation in project design and management
C. Participation in economic, social, political and cultural activities for their own interest.
D. Participation in activity and output evaluations

Paul added that the benefit points gathered from the people participation to ensure the below sustainability:
2-Improvement of beneficiary ability
3-To improve the effectiveness of project
4-To review of project effectiveness
5-Allocation of project budget

So any development projects outlined by the non-governmental organizations or government must be processed within the people participation for sustainability development. The term of sustainability is not cleared define yet. Anyway, some critical meaning of its briefing:

- Responding to the needs of people
- Mobilization of natural resources must be benefited to better livelihood of people
- Base natural resources concentration for investment in education (Capacity Building).
- The people centered development model

As a whole, community participation to modify the approach and set up a system to develop in the target areas is very important for effectiveness and efficiency of the community development projects.

Read more about Advantages of Partnership

The Meaning of Development

Development term is used largely by non-governmental organizations or other development agencies working on specific and realistic projects operation and address the issue over localities, through improving the capacity building and life quality for the future based at developing countries. It is involving “living” and “works”. Poorness, impoverishment, and lack did not demonstrate any progress. They all see them occur everywhere so there is one thing to do is alleviating poverty. Some people said referring that in the dire destitute circumstances, works are critical. Therefore, it brought our basic attention emphasized on---building on project design and management in order to identify the problems and settlements where it improves villagers' condition of living.

Poverty caused people to become inhumanity, bad intelligence and incapacity. Changes are required from all people and in harmony manner. So the word of development means that improvement of the human capacity to get energy or influence for their future. It is also relevant to living and works. It refers not only programs that fulfill physical changes but also to boost up human resources capacity then responds to those changes. Any action plan changes must be linked to individuals’ abilities. Its main purpose is to make a difference of community people’s quality of life by mobilizing both human resources and innovation of technology as input.

The idea of implementation differs from modernization and progress has been generally defined. Consequently, the definition of modernization is a practice of format and institutionalization; anyway it is just only taking prototype, model and technology for their countries. They may be sophisticated on technology and model but not developing capacity for their influence in the future.

Development is a process that require all members in society to enhance their own capacity including in the institutions to seek for and control local sustainable resources. In addition, it improves the quality of better conditions of living of local people to meet their needs. It represents of sustainable justice principle and harmony, in terms of ---only people can define clearly what they recognize as necessary in improving better livelihood. They can participate and make a decision on which project should be implemented.

Read about Key Principles For Community Development

Why the Poor Remains Poor

Human issues always happen almost elsewhere, whereas the rich still increasing be richer. There have been all countries over the world. Therefore we have to analyze the finding facts.

For years ago, middle-class people often believe that they could continue to a better condition of living but some think that whenever the gross national product rises they also live well. A few think that there are lots of issues to human livelihood and the rest assume that those problems can be settled by doing existing things.

According to the Pyramid in capitalist society the people groups were divided into three strati:

1-The rich
2-The average
3-The poor

In order to harmonize and live together and enable the poor by compromising to share the wealth to them being average level. The westerns had practiced such culture of sharing toward livelihood and helping one another. We see that the high percentage of the famine did not stem from the natural disaster or destiny.

In capitalism, the rich are owners. The producers are moving away from their products. The rich bought lands and labors from the poor then they give enough salary to laborers, set aside their own profits for their families and themselves only. Based on production, the people were divided into two classes:

1-Owner: one who have large wealth and generate great income for example land, machine, factory that make revenue.
2-Non-owner: one who do not have wealth or less. They depend on selling their own labor for a living.

Dividing the type of people between the rich and laborers are still visible so far. This is one of the main ramifications for distinguishing between the gab of the rich and the poor. Besides, it is because of natural benefit-sharing without transparency to community people and so on.

Read about Banking and Finance Sectors Deal with Poverty Reduction Framework
and Country Is Rich Of Natural Resources But Still Poor

Aspect of Community Development

In the current world, we have been seeing some problems happen in the countries, those hit to developing countries mostly. People encounter social justice, low-income generating, limited access to medical health services, lack of food security, land grabbing from the high-ranking officials or billionaire tycoons in society.

So we will find out the definition of the overall Community Development together with how big the extent of community development is in terms of sustainable development.

Community Development is a wide term which is useful to the practices and academic disciplines of civic leaders, activists, occupied citizens and professionals to improve a variety of prospects of local communities including the use of communication skills.

Presently, there are a lot of volunteers who works for community development through the local community-based organizations, which mostly support women and children as well as the micro-enterprises based on rural outreach activities. These organizations usually have the visions of creating and promoting opportunities to volunteer and improvement of the lives of other people in the society and environment that we are living in. Community development seeks to allow individuals and groups of people in the target areas by providing these groups with the skills they need to influence a change in their own communities. These skills are often concentrated about building political power through the development of large social groups working for a common program.

Community service refers to doing something beneficial to the community beneficiaries. There are many people associated with different aspects of community development. People are full of philanthropic feelings and motivation are those who work hard for the betterment of the community regardless of race, customs, traditions, and religion.

Education and the community-wide empowerment that increased educational possibility form a critical component of community development and surely for undeserved communities that have limited access to general educational and professional training resources. Workforce development and the issues and challenges of crossing the Digital divide, and increasing community-wide levels of Digital inclusion have become crucially important in this and both for affordable access to computers and the Internet, and for training in how to use and maintain these resources.

In sociology, the concept of community has to lead to an important debate, and sociologists are yet to reach agreement on a definition of the term. Traditionally a community development has been defined as a group of interacting people living in a common location, generally in social units larger than a household. The word can also refer to the national community or the international community.

Today, Public Relations have largely been viewed as a way of sharing an organization's news with their public in order to build a positive image. To communicate the organization's view through channels other than advertising.

This shift in society may have something to do with the new economic realities or it may have other factors, the reasons just are not clear. It should be noted that this trend is not all bad news. For some associations marks as even more open and tolerant society.

Read more about Key Principles for Community Organization  
and Project Cycle Management Model of NGO